
Thank you for your interest in this research, which aims to determine the barriers that women face in their participation in basketball. We are conducting this study because we hope to gain a better understanding of the barriers and challenges that women and girls face during their time in basketball, in order to reduce these barriers and attract and keep more women working and/or playing in the sport, as players, coaches, referees and officials or employees.
Participating in this study is voluntary. If you agree to take part, it will take approximately one hour of your time spread over about 3 weeks to complete a Concept Mapping project. This will require you to use the Global Systems groupwisdom online data collection platform to:

     1.    Create an account to use the data collection platform. We need you to do this because you are being asked to take part in two activities as part of the Concept Mapping process and you may need to log in to the system multiple times over a couple of weeks.
     2.    Provide some background information about yourself including your age, state of residence, length of time in basketball/years of participation experience. 
     3.    Brainstorm any barriers that you face or have faced in your time with basketball;
     4.    Group the identified barriers based on the similarity meaning they have to you; and
     5.    Rate the barriers for frequency (how often you have experienced it) and importance.

If you are interested in learning more about the study, please fill in your details below, and Samantha Marshall from the La Trobe Centre for Sport and Social Impact will be in touch with more information.

Taking part in this research study is voluntary. You may choose not to take part. If you decide not to take part in this research, your decision will not affect your relationship with La Trobe University, Basketball Australia, or any other organisation.
This research has been reviewed and approved by The La Trobe University Human Research Ethics Committee. If you have any complaints or concerns about the research study please email humanethics@latrobe.edu.au or phone +61 3 9479 1443 quoting the following number HEC21048.
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